The Art of Chocolate Packaging
Before we can start making custom CBD boxes for your products, there are certain important points which we need to keep in mind.
Standardized Symbol Of Cannabis (THC) Standardized Symbol Of Cannabis. All cannabis products are packaged in tamper-proof and child-resistant packaging. The standardized cannabis symbol must be on the label of all products containing 10 micrograms (μg) or more of THC. The symbol warns people that the product contains THC.
Trade Name And Brand Elements
The packaging of cannabis products must include the name of the company. Another element of the mark, such as a slogan or logo, may also appear on the packaging.
THC And CBD Content
THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol) are the cannabinoids most commonly found in cannabis. The content of THC and CBD must be indicated on each cannabis product. Cannabis must be heated to at least 150 degrees Celsius to activate cannabinoids. Cannabis is heated either by the producer during processing or by you before consuming the product.
On the product label, the cannabinoid content is listed in two ways.
- The THC and CBD content is the amount of THC and active CBD in the product before heating it.
- The total content of THC and CBD is the amount of THC and CBD that will be after heating the product.
Sometimes the amount of THC and the total amount of THC or the amount of CBD and the total amount of CBD are the same, for example when the dried cannabis is heated to activate the cannabinoids in order to produce products such as oils, capsules and edible products. The measurement of THC and CBD may be indicated differently depending on the nature of the product.
Find out how to determine the THC content according to the label. When choosing a cannabis product, look at total THC and total CBD. Choose products with low total THC content and equal or greater total CBD concentration. If you smoke or Vape , start with one or two puffs of 10% (100 mg / g) THC or less. Edible products may contain more than 10 mg of THC per package. Start with products that contain 2.5 mg THC or less.
Find out how to determine the THC content according to the label.
All cannabis products are accompanied by a warning of health risks in a yellow box. Health Canada provides health warnings that are displayed alternately on products. Topical cannabis products all have the same warning against health risks.
Other Information Required
Cannabis product labels contain specific information about the product. The type of stump, the expiry date, the date of packaging, the weight of the product, the recommended storage and the intended use are important information to consider. To learn more about all the requirements, click here.
All cannabis products include contact information for the licensed producer and a lot number. If you have concerns about a product, contact the producer and tell them the lot number.
Other Information
Licensed producers may include other information on how to use the cannabis product. These may include directions for use, product form, or other warnings or precautions.
Nutrition Facts Table
A Nutrition Facts table is on each package of all edible cannabis products.
List Of Ingredients
For cannabis extracts, cannabis for topical use and edible cannabis, the ingredients must be indicated. Any food allergens, gluten or added sulphite will be mentioned in the list of ingredients.
Know Where To Find Help
Do not hesitate to get support if your consumption has repercussions on your life. If you need help, there are places to help you limit your intake or to help you with withdrawal symptoms. If you’re worried about yourself or someone else, find help.
Signs indicating that you may need help with your use of cannabis or other drugs:
- You ignore your responsibilities at work, at school or at home;
- You abhoron activities that you find important or enjoyable;
- You consume more often;
- You feel unable to diminish or control your consumption;
- You experience mood changes (eg, you feel irritable and paranoid)
- Your friends change;
- You have problems with the members of your family;
- You are secretive or dishonest;
- Your sleep patterns, appetite or some of your behaviors change.
The Cannabis Regulations set out the requirements for how cannabis and cannabis products should be packaged and labeled prior to sale, distribution or export. Specifically, the Regulations require neutral packaging and labeling for all cannabis products and impose restrictions on the logo, colors and marks. Cannabis products must be placed in a child-resistant container, labeled with the standardized cannabis symbol, mandatory health warnings related to cannabis, and include certain product information (eg, name of the product). the cannabis product brand, the cannabis category, the delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol [THC] and cannabidiol [CBD] content, information on the licensee).
These measures aim to reduce the risk of accidental consumption and over-consumption, as well as reduce the attractiveness of cannabis products for young people while providing consumers with the information they need to make informed decisions before using cannabis.
Licensees are responsible for complying with the Act and Regulations and any other regulations that may apply to their situation or activities. Health Canada does not review and do not provide prior approval for the packaging and labeling of cannabis products.
So we need to keep all these things in mind before starting your custom cbd boxes.