The OECD has recently reported a worrying increase in counterfeit online sales of leading brands. These are fake items that are a copy of the original and sold through the network in online stores that replicate those of the big brands.
Among the products with the highest risk of being counterfeit and sold online, pharmaceutical products, cosmetics, luxury watches, leather goods, sneakers and electronics stand out. But among them we can also find designer bags, computer items and clothing.
The counterfeiters copy the official website where the original items are sold and send the products in neutral packages that try not to attract attention. Many of these items are shipped internationally and through customs, which are often seized by the authorities. Although mostly arrive at destination.
And If They Fake And Send Your Products?
If you have an online store with an exclusive product very well valued by your users and that, in addition, is of a superior quality, you have all the numbers to become an online counterfeit carnaza.
These counterfeiters copy the appearance of the products boxes, but with a much lower quality. Even, sometimes, the product does not work properly, as is usually the case with electronic or technological products (mobile phones, televisions, players …). Other times, the manufacturing materials used leave much to be desired. For example, pieces of imitation leather are sold as if they were genuine leather.
The mere existence of counterfeiters of your products is enormously harmful to your brand. Imagine that a customer of yours believes to buy your quality product at an interesting price, convinced that it is a product manufactured and / or distributed by your brand. And you receive a product of inferior quality, which does not work well, that breaks down right away … without knowing that it is not your brand that is behind that bad product.
If there was any way that could help your customers recognize your products without any doubt, don’t you think it would be a good idea to apply it to your business?
Packaging As A Tool To Prevent Fakes
If to date you have used a packaging without any printing or identification element, you should know that doing so runs the risk of being easily replicated by counterfeiters. Since there is no identifying element in your packaging boxes, it is much easier for them to pass through customs and reach the customer without anyone noticing the scam.
On the other hand, if you invest in adding identifiable printing elements to your packaging, your products (and your brand) will be much more protected. Some elements that can help your customers identify the packaging sent by your brand are:
- Logos and other identifying elements of your brand
- Watermarks
- Images or illustrations recognizable and identifiable with your brand
Additional details, such as customizable adhesive labels with your logo that, in addition to helping identify your brand, seal the contents of the box. Bar codes, with the aim of helping the traceability of the product until it reaches its destination.
In this way, if you usually use easily identifiable typefaces, graphic elements, images and logos with your brand, it will be easier for customers and authorities to detect fake packaging and curb scams. If you want to get down to work to prevent counterfeiting of your products, get in touch with us and we will inform you of what options you have when printing your packaging. Protect your brand!