Amazon Frustration Free Packaging
As of October 1, 2019 , all Amazon ‘vendors’ or sellers will have to comply with the company’s Frustration Free Packaging policy. Today we tell you what Amazon Frustration Free Packaging is and how you can adopt it in your company, whether you sell on Amazon or not.
What is Amazon Frustration Free Packaging?
Amazon’s Frustration Free Packaging is an initiative, which has already been in force for 10 years, with which the eCommerce giant intends to become a standard in a way of operating more sustainable with the planet and more user-friendly.
This initiative first puts the need to adjust the packaging to the product it carries as much as possible, something in which custom boxes can help a lot. The idea is to reduce the volume of packaging used in the orders and improve the user’s shopping experience, which ends with the unboxing of the product.
By adjusting the packaging to the volume and shape of the product, its volumetric weight is reduced, something that allows vendors and transport companies to save on shipping costs and optimize the space occupied by the package in means of transport, thus reducing Your carbon footprint
At the same time, Amazon advocates packaging that includes what is strictly necessary , not including unnecessary packaging; It is very easy to open by the user; and also be 100% recyclable.
With all this, Amazon aims to optimize the supply chain in all its phases, offer a better shopping experience to the user, and reduce logistics and packaging costs for its vendors.
What Exactly is Frustration Free Packaging?
As of October 1, 2019 , all products that are sold through Amazon and that have a size greater than 45.5 x 34.0 x 26.5 cm or weigh more than 12.3kg will be required to be designed and be certified as “ ready to ship ” (Level 1: easy package or Level 2: exempt from additional packaging).
The objective of Amazon is to be able to send the packages as they are received from the seller, without the need to use more elements or to complement the packaging, thus reducing waste throughout the chain and improving the user’s shopping experience at Receive an easy opening package / with the right packaging.
How Can I Get More Information About This Initiative?
If you are a seller on Amazon and this new policy affects you fully, you can learn more in the day “ How to adapt my packaging system to Amazon’s Frustration Free Packaging? ”Organized by ITENE in Valencia on January 17, 2019.
On this day, whose assistance has a cost of € 450, Amazon sellers will be informed about the program requirements. In addition, practical cases will be presented that will show different application scenarios.
If I Am Not An Amazon ‘Vendor’, am I Interested In This Initiative?
If you are not an Amazon ‘seller’ but you are dedicated to electronic commerce, this initiative should definitely interest you. Not only because of keeping track of the steps that the main competitor of all eCommerce in the world takes, but also because what Amazon does often gives a clue as to where the shots will go in the medium term.
As we already told you in the post on ecodesign, the environmental situation begins to be unsustainable due to carbon emissions and unstoppable plastic production. And as it has been proposed so far, eCommerce is not helping to improve the situation.
The concern for sustainability begins to be transversal and to be found in all sectors, including eCommerce. With initiatives like this, it is about making more sustainable practices that, as a society, would cost us a lot to give up since they represent an important advance in many other ways.
So, if you have an online store or work in one, even if it is modest, you are very interested and try to follow Amazon’s trail in this regard.
With a package adjusted to the volume and shape of your products, you can reduce your shipping costs and also carbon emissions, as it will make it possible for more packages to fit in the same transport space. In addition, you will also reduce the need to incorporate filler packaging in your packages – often difficult to recycle – to protect the product, which will no longer “dance” inside.
The ideal setting of the packaging to the product you can get betting on custom boxes , from which in PCB you have several models that will enable not have to sacrifice one iota of the presentation of the product , and last but not least you can order a from 1 unit (there is no minimum purchase).
In the case of needing filling packing for the special characteristics of the product – for example, very fragile glass bottles – it may be interesting to bet on packaging that is truly adapted to the product itself, such as the Total Wine Pack , or very versatile packaging and 100% recyclable , such as Eco Care filler packaging .
Remember that the unboxing of the product is part of the customer’s shopping experience, and that today nobody likes to receive a giant box full of unnecessary inner packaging for a small product. Think of the planet, your customers and you, and you also bet on policies aligned with Amazon’s Free Frustration Packaging.
And you, did you know this Amazon initiative? What do you think? What do you think you can extract from it and apply to your business? Does this policy affect you? Are you ready to face it? Tell us your impressions in the comments.